

深度学习框架从一开始的 Theano、TensorFlow,到后来封装程度更高的Pytorch、Keras等,层出不穷。此文通过一个简单的分类任务,综合进这些框架的代码。代码来源于莫烦python


from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T

def compute_accuracy(y_target, y_predict):
    correct_prediction = np.equal(y_predict, y_target)
    accuracy = np.sum(correct_prediction)/len(correct_prediction)
    return accuracy

rng = np.random

N = 400                                   # training sample size
feats = 784                               # number of input variables

# generate a dataset: D = (input_values, target_class)
D = (rng.randn(N, feats), rng.randint(size=N, low=0, high=2))

# Declare Theano symbolic variables
x = T.dmatrix("x")
y = T.dvector("y")

# initialize the weights and biases
W = theano.shared(rng.randn(feats), name="w")
b = theano.shared(0., name="b")

# Construct Theano expression graph
p_1 = T.nnet.sigmoid(T.dot(x, W) + b)   # Logistic Probability that target = 1 (activation function)
prediction = p_1 > 0.5                    # The prediction thresholded
xent = -y * T.log(p_1) - (1-y) * T.log(1-p_1) # Cross-entropy loss function
# or
# xent = T.nnet.binary_crossentropy(p_1, y) # this is provided by theano
cost = xent.mean() + 0.01 * (W ** 2).sum()# The cost to minimize (l2 regularization)
gW, gb = T.grad(cost, [W, b])             # Compute the gradient of the cost

# Compile
learning_rate = 0.1
train = theano.function(
          inputs=[x, y],
          outputs=[prediction, xent.mean()],
          updates=((W, W - learning_rate * gW), (b, b - learning_rate * gb)))
predict = theano.function(inputs=[x], outputs=prediction)

# Training
for i in range(500):
    pred, err = train(D[0], D[1])
    if i % 50 == 0:
        print('cost:', err)
        print("accuracy:", compute_accuracy(D[1], predict(D[0])))

print("target values for D:")
print("prediction on D:")



from __future__ import print_function
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
# number 1 to 10 data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data', one_hot=True)

def compute_accuracy(v_xs, v_ys):
    global prediction
    y_pre = sess.run(prediction, feed_dict={xs: v_xs, keep_prob: 1})
    correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_pre,1), tf.argmax(v_ys,1))
    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
    result = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={xs: v_xs, ys: v_ys, keep_prob: 1})
    return result

def weight_variable(shape):
    initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1)
    return tf.Variable(initial)

def bias_variable(shape):
    initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape)
    return tf.Variable(initial)

def conv2d(x, W):
    # stride [1, x_movement, y_movement, 1]
    # Must have strides[0] = strides[3] = 1
    return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')

def max_pool_2x2(x):
    # stride [1, x_movement, y_movement, 1]
    return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')

# define placeholder for inputs to network
xs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784])/255.   # 28x28
ys = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
x_image = tf.reshape(xs, [-1, 28, 28, 1])
# print(x_image.shape)  # [n_samples, 28,28,1]

## conv1 layer ##
W_conv1 = weight_variable([5,5, 1,32]) # patch 5x5, in size 1, out size 32
b_conv1 = bias_variable([32])
h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_image, W_conv1) + b_conv1) # output size 28x28x32
h_pool1 = max_pool_2x2(h_conv1)                                         # output size 14x14x32

## conv2 layer ##
W_conv2 = weight_variable([5,5, 32, 64]) # patch 5x5, in size 32, out size 64
b_conv2 = bias_variable([64])
h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_pool1, W_conv2) + b_conv2) # output size 14x14x64
h_pool2 = max_pool_2x2(h_conv2)                                         # output size 7x7x64

## fc1 layer ##
W_fc1 = weight_variable([7*7*64, 1024])
b_fc1 = bias_variable([1024])
# [n_samples, 7, 7, 64] ->> [n_samples, 7*7*64]
h_pool2_flat = tf.reshape(h_pool2, [-1, 7*7*64])
h_fc1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(h_pool2_flat, W_fc1) + b_fc1)
h_fc1_drop = tf.nn.dropout(h_fc1, keep_prob)

## fc2 layer ##
W_fc2 = weight_variable([1024, 10])
b_fc2 = bias_variable([10])
prediction = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(h_fc1_drop, W_fc2) + b_fc2)

# the error between prediction and real data
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(ys * tf.log(prediction),
                                              reduction_indices=[1]))       # loss
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy)

sess = tf.Session()
# important step
# tf.initialize_all_variables() no long valid from
# 2017-03-02 if using tensorflow >= 0.12
if int((tf.__version__).split('.')[1]) < 12 and int((tf.__version__).split('.')[0]) < 1:
    init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

for i in range(1000):
    batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(100)
    sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={xs: batch_xs, ys: batch_ys, keep_prob: 0.5})
    if i % 50 == 0:
            mnist.test.images[:1000], mnist.test.labels[:1000]))

先搭建计算图,并创建一个sess会话,通过sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={xs: batch_xs, ys: batch_ys, keep_prob: 0.5})这样的形式进行实际训练


# library
# standard library
import os

# third-party library
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.utils.data as Data
import torchvision
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# torch.manual_seed(1)    # reproducible

# Hyper Parameters
EPOCH = 1               # train the training data n times, to save time, we just train 1 epoch
LR = 0.001              # learning rate

# Mnist digits dataset
if not(os.path.exists('./mnist/')) or not os.listdir('./mnist/'):
    # not mnist dir or mnist is empyt dir

train_data = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(
    train=True,                                     # this is training data
    transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(),    # Converts a PIL.Image or numpy.ndarray to
                                                    # torch.FloatTensor of shape (C x H x W) and normalize in the range [0.0, 1.0]

# plot one example
print(train_data.train_data.size())                 # (60000, 28, 28)
print(train_data.train_labels.size())               # (60000)
plt.imshow(train_data.train_data[0].numpy(), cmap='gray')
plt.title('%i' % train_data.train_labels[0])

# Data Loader for easy mini-batch return in training, the image batch shape will be (50, 1, 28, 28)
train_loader = Data.DataLoader(dataset=train_data, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)

# pick 2000 samples to speed up testing
test_data = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root='./mnist/', train=False)
test_x = torch.unsqueeze(test_data.test_data, dim=1).type(torch.FloatTensor)[:2000]/255.   # shape from (2000, 28, 28) to (2000, 1, 28, 28), value in range(0,1)
test_y = test_data.test_labels[:2000]

class CNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CNN, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(         # input shape (1, 28, 28)
                in_channels=1,              # input height
                out_channels=16,            # n_filters
                kernel_size=5,              # filter size
                stride=1,                   # filter movement/step
                padding=2,                  # if want same width and length of this image after Conv2d, padding=(kernel_size-1)/2 if stride=1
            ),                              # output shape (16, 28, 28)
            nn.ReLU(),                      # activation
            nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2),    # choose max value in 2x2 area, output shape (16, 14, 14)
        self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(         # input shape (16, 14, 14)
            nn.Conv2d(16, 32, 5, 1, 2),     # output shape (32, 14, 14)
            nn.ReLU(),                      # activation
            nn.MaxPool2d(2),                # output shape (32, 7, 7)
        self.out = nn.Linear(32 * 7 * 7, 10)   # fully connected layer, output 10 classes

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.conv1(x)
        x = self.conv2(x)
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)           # flatten the output of conv2 to (batch_size, 32 * 7 * 7)
        output = self.out(x)
        return output, x    # return x for visualization

cnn = CNN()
print(cnn)  # net architecture

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(cnn.parameters(), lr=LR)   # optimize all cnn parameters
loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()                       # the target label is not one-hotted

# following function (plot_with_labels) is for visualization, can be ignored if not interested
from matplotlib import cm
try: from sklearn.manifold import TSNE; HAS_SK = True
except: HAS_SK = False; print('Please install sklearn for layer visualization')
def plot_with_labels(lowDWeights, labels):
    X, Y = lowDWeights[:, 0], lowDWeights[:, 1]
    for x, y, s in zip(X, Y, labels):
        c = cm.rainbow(int(255 * s / 9)); plt.text(x, y, s, backgroundcolor=c, fontsize=9)
    plt.xlim(X.min(), X.max()); plt.ylim(Y.min(), Y.max()); plt.title('Visualize last layer'); plt.show(); plt.pause(0.01)

# training and testing
for epoch in range(EPOCH):
    for step, (b_x, b_y) in enumerate(train_loader):   # gives batch data, normalize x when iterate train_loader

        output = cnn(b_x)[0]               # cnn output
        loss = loss_func(output, b_y)   # cross entropy loss
        optimizer.zero_grad()           # clear gradients for this training step
        loss.backward()                 # backpropagation, compute gradients
        optimizer.step()                # apply gradients

        if step % 50 == 0:
            test_output, last_layer = cnn(test_x)
            pred_y = torch.max(test_output, 1)[1].data.numpy()
            accuracy = float((pred_y == test_y.data.numpy()).astype(int).sum()) / float(test_y.size(0))
            print('Epoch: ', epoch, '| train loss: %.4f' % loss.data.numpy(), '| test accuracy: %.2f' % accuracy)
            if HAS_SK:
                # Visualization of trained flatten layer (T-SNE)
                tsne = TSNE(perplexity=30, n_components=2, init='pca', n_iter=5000)
                plot_only = 500
                low_dim_embs = tsne.fit_transform(last_layer.data.numpy()[:plot_only, :])
                labels = test_y.numpy()[:plot_only]
                plot_with_labels(low_dim_embs, labels)

# print 10 predictions from test data
test_output, _ = cnn(test_x[:10])
pred_y = torch.max(test_output, 1)[1].data.numpy()
print(pred_y, 'prediction number')
print(test_y[:10].numpy(), 'real number')

动态搭建网络,一般数据导入,网络搭建 损失函数,训练都是用各自的模块完成。通过继承封装好的父类,如nn.Module进行网络搭建,torch.utils.data.Dataset导入数据等等


# to try tensorflow, un-comment following two lines
# import os
# os.environ['KERAS_BACKEND']='tensorflow'

import numpy as np
np.random.seed(1337)  # for reproducibility
from keras.datasets import mnist
from keras.utils import np_utils
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Convolution2D, MaxPooling2D, Flatten
from keras.optimizers import Adam

# download the mnist to the path '~/.keras/datasets/' if it is the first time to be called
# training X shape (60000, 28x28), Y shape (60000, ). test X shape (10000, 28x28), Y shape (10000, )
(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()

# data pre-processing
X_train = X_train.reshape(-1, 1,28, 28)/255.
X_test = X_test.reshape(-1, 1,28, 28)/255.
y_train = np_utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes=10)
y_test = np_utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes=10)

# Another way to build your CNN
model = Sequential()

# Conv layer 1 output shape (32, 28, 28)
    batch_input_shape=(None, 1, 28, 28),
    padding='same',     # Padding method

# Pooling layer 1 (max pooling) output shape (32, 14, 14)
    padding='same',    # Padding method

# Conv layer 2 output shape (64, 14, 14)
model.add(Convolution2D(64, 5, strides=1, padding='same', data_format='channels_first'))

# Pooling layer 2 (max pooling) output shape (64, 7, 7)
model.add(MaxPooling2D(2, 2, 'same', data_format='channels_first'))

# Fully connected layer 1 input shape (64 * 7 * 7) = (3136), output shape (1024)

# Fully connected layer 2 to shape (10) for 10 classes

# Another way to define your optimizer
adam = Adam(lr=1e-4)

# We add metrics to get more results you want to see

print('Training ------------')
# Another way to train the model
model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=1, batch_size=64,)

print('\nTesting ------------')
# Evaluate the model with the metrics we defined earlier
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)

print('\ntest loss: ', loss)
print('\ntest accuracy: ', accuracy)



这四种框架各自都在不断地自我完善推陈出新,像是目前TensorFlow 2已经把Keras合并进来了,Keras用户迁移过来也十分简单,Pytorch也在不断地让自身更简洁,如去掉了Variable变量的使用等。目前而言,TensorFlow 和 Pytorch 是两大巨头,个人感觉企业用 TensorFlow 更多,高校用 Pytorch 更多吧。